Paradise Painting: Ramprasad Akkisetti and Ghanshyam
19th December 2014
India House Art Gallery (Map)
Event Description
‘Paradise’ is a metaphor for Mumbai, the quintessential megalopolis; enigmatic, endearing and yet magnetic. The overwhelming amount of distinctive elements on the canvas is an analogy to the city’s wide spectrum of variety. Mumbai, where millions of dreams are born and die every day, ‘Paradise’ is sprinkled with: Bollywood, Victorian and modern architectural grandeur, the vibrant yet everlasting history in its buses, dabbawallas, kaali-peeli taxis, roadside vendors, street culture, its sophistication in the Sea-Link and the T2 terminal column all surrounding a pivotal mystical lion- the spirit of Mumbai. The two giant serpents represent the train (life) lines of the city, the seven trees its original identity as the city of seven islands, the personification of the sun and the moon that wax and wane turn by turn, upon the city that never sleeps! ‘Paradise’ juxtaposes dreams against reality, a potpourri of narrating nostalgia, ambition, elation and imagination.