International Relations: Young Architects from Germany

12th March 2016

India House Art Gallery (Map)

Event Description

The exhibition presents fourteen projects by young architects from Germany that have been completed abroad mainly since 2004. The selected examples from construction, interior design, urban design and landscape architecture illustrate the broad range of skills of an explicitly young generation of architects. They show how young architects approach working in new and foreign environments, how they redefine and add to existing buildings, and how they create new ones under unusual conditions. These architects come up with sensitive solutions for challenges in architecture today, always with an eye on the future, sustainability, and new technologies.
Contrary to today’s global media interest in the spectacular and the star, this exhibition presents innovative architectural projects that confidently and quietly take a pragmatic approach, concentrating entirely on the locations for which they were created.
An exhibition by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations e. V. (ifa), Stuttgart in cooperation with the Federal Chamber of German Architects e. V. (BAK), Berlin
Media Partner: Deutsche Welle DW-TV

Event Glimpses