Gautam Bhatia


Gautam Bhatia graduated in Fine Arts and went on to get a Masters degree in Architecture. A practicing architect, he has also written extensively on architecture. Besides a biography on Laurie Baker, he is the author of Punjabi Baroque, Silent Spaces and Malaria Dreams – a trilogy that focuses on the cultural and social aspects of architecture. Similar concerns related to Indian life and aspirations were also reflected in a later book The Punchtantra, – a rewriting of the original Panchatantra into contemporary folk-tales.

He graduated in Fine Arts and went on to get a Masters degree in Architecture. A practicing architect, he has also written extensively on architecture. Besides a biography on Laurie Baker, he is the author of Punjabi Baroque, Silent Spaces and Malaria Dreams – a trilogy that focuses on the cultural and social aspects of architecture. Similar concerns related to Indian life and aspirations were also reflected in a later book The Punchtantra, – a rewriting of the original Panchatantra into contemporary folk-tales. Two shows of drawings entitled Looking Through Walls : Architecture in the Age of McDonalds, and The Good Life examined disparities between the professed goals of architecture and the public perception of building. His latest book, a graphic novel, Lie: A Traditional Tale of Modern India was published in 2010 by the Westland Books.
